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MTG Innistrad: Midnight Hunt – In-Store Prerelease

Join us for our Innistrad: Midnight Hunt Prerelease! This is a Sealed tournament for every player – experienced and new – to come and get their hands on the upcoming set, Innistrad: Midnight Hunt, one week before it officially releases in stores!

Players will receive six booster packs of Innistrad: Midnight Hunt in their Prerelease kit, and they’ll construct a deck of minimum 40 cards to battle it out with their newly formed deck in a four round tournament for glory and prizes! (We’ll provide the basic lands.)

Here are the details:

• Date: Saturday and Sunday, September 18th and 19th, 2021.
• Time: 12:00pm Entry: $25.00
• Format: Sealed, Swiss. Four rounds. No playoff cut.
• Prize support will be issued based on the number of wins a player gets during the four rounds of Swiss.
• Early Sale Promotion: Set Booster boxes will be available for purchase during the length of the Prerelease*!
• Player Cap: 80 players each day
• Registration: Preregistration is open for this event. Preregistration is done in-store. We suggest preregistering to secure your spot in the Prerelease!

*While supplies last

MTG Innistrad: Midnight Hunt – In-Store Prerelease

Join us for our Innistrad: Midnight Hunt Prerelease! This is a Sealed tournament for every player – experienced and new – to come and get their hands on the upcoming set, Innistrad: Midnight Hunt, one week before it officially releases in stores!

Players will receive six booster packs of Innistrad: Midnight Hunt in their Prerelease kit, and they’ll construct a deck of minimum 40 cards to battle it out with their newly formed deck in a four round tournament for glory and prizes! (We’ll provide the basic lands.)

Here are the details:

• Date: Saturday and Sunday, September 18th and 19th, 2021.
• Time: 12:00pm Entry: $25.00
• Format: Sealed, Swiss. Four rounds. No playoff cut.
• Prize support will be issued based on the number of wins a player gets during the four rounds of Swiss.
• Early Sale Promotion: Set Booster boxes will be available for purchase during the length of the Prerelease*!
• Player Cap: 80 players each day
• Registration: Preregistration is open for this event. Preregistration is done in-store. We suggest preregistering to secure your spot in the Prerelease!

*While supplies last

September 18 2021


Date: September 18, 2021
Time: 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm

One event on September 18, 2021 at 12:00 pm

One event on September 19, 2021 at 12:00 pm

(See All)
Cost: $25
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Event Tags:, , , ,
Website: Visit Event Website


TATE’S Gaming Satellite

4580 N. University Drive
Lauderhill, FL 33351 United States

+ Google Map


(954) 742-5141